Research Publication Sr. No Title of the paper Authors Journal Volume and Issue No Year of Publication Level: National/ internatio nal ISSN/ ISBN 1 Scientific validation of Kalanchoe integra(Medik.) Kuntze (Crassulaceae)leaves used as ethnomedicine made by Kokna Tribe of Kalwan Tehsil district Nasik (M.S) India Deore Sonali Vishnu and Sonawane Mangala. D. International Journal of Botany Studies, Volume 7, Issue 3, 2022 International ISSN: 2455-541X 2 New distributional record of two geophytes from Nasik district (M.S.), Kokate D.M International Journal of Botany Studies Volume 6, Issue 5 2021 International 2455-541X 3 Pharmacognostic Studies of Anisomeles heyneana Benth. (Labiatae) Rakesh.E. Mutha1 , Kundan.J. Tiwari , Dashan.M. Kokate , Yogesh.V. Ushir Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Volume-55, No.1(X) 2021 International 0025- 0422 4 New distributional records of Crotalaria leptostachya benth and Crotalaria calycina schrank, for flora of Nasik district Maharashtra India Kokate D.M International Journal of Botany Studies Volume 6, Issue 5, 2021 International 2455-541X 5 Extended distribution of two endemic epiphytes from the Western Ghats to Deccan Plateau Deore Sonali Vishnu Sonawane Mangala. D and Kambale Sharad. Journal of Threatened Taxa 2021 International IISN 0974-7907 6 Additional distributional records of Pogostemon heyneanus benth and Orthosiphon thymiflorus (Roth) sleesen family Lamiaceae to the flora of Nashik district, from Kalwan Tehsil, district Nashik (Maharashtra) Deore Sonali Vishnu and Sonawane Mangala. D International Journal of Botany Studies Volume 6, Issue 5 2021 International ISSN: 2455-541X 7 Diversity of Plants yielding Unorganized Drugs From Nandgaon and Chandwad tehsils District Nashik (Maharashtra) Kokate Darshan Madhukar Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Volume9(2): 2019 International 8 Diversity of Genus Ficus in Nandgaon and Chandwad tehsils District Nasik (Maharashtra) Kokate Darshan Madhukar and K.N. Gaikwad International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews Volume 6 Issue 1 2019 International 2349-5138 9 New Distributional records of some Asteraceae members for flora of North Maharashtra Kokate Darshan Madhukar and K.N. Gaikwad Multilogic in Science Vol. VIII, Issue XXVIII 2019 International